• What happens to my pension? Cottage? Business?
  • How am I going to get through this?
  • When will I stop feeling sad? Ashamed?
  • How will we split everything?
  • How will we tell the children?
  • What will everyone think?
  • What about the kids?
  • Does it have to be a big court battle?
  • Do we have to sell the house?
  • How am I going to pay the bills?
Credentials & Experience

Collab. Advanced-'13

Collab. Level 2 - '04

Collab. Level 1 - '03

Mediation (1999)

LL.B. (1986)

B. A. (1983)

The Collaborative Advtange

Sharon Moote

I was called to the Bar in 1988 and practice exclusively in the area of family law.  Since 2003 my practice has included collaborative family law negotiation. I have been a panel lawyer with the Office of the Children's Lawyer since 1997.  I was appointed to the Family Court Community Liaison Committee in 1999.  In 2006 I was appointed as an Alternate Dispute Resolution lawyer for the Durham ADR Project (Child Protection) and in 2011 I was appointed as a Dispute Resolution Officer in the Superior Court of Justice.  I am a member of the Board of Directors, Collaborative Practice Durham Region.   

I believe that the collaborative process is the most economical and efficient process for clients to achieve complete and long lasting resolutions of their family law matters.  I have a keen interest in applying my collaborative skills to assist my clients to achieve fair and reasonable resolutions for their families through a respectful and client focused process.

— Sharon Moote

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