• What happens to my pension? Cottage? Business?
  • How am I going to get through this?
  • When will I stop feeling sad? Ashamed?
  • How will we split everything?
  • How will we tell the children?
  • What will everyone think?
  • What about the kids?
  • Does it have to be a big court battle?
  • Do we have to sell the house?
  • How am I going to pay the bills?
Galbraith Family Law Professional Corp
Credentials & Experience

The Collaborative Advtange

Mervyn White

Merv has tremendous experience practicing family law having become a lawyer in 1995. As a result, Merv has seen and done it all. He will help you analyse your case and determine the best process so as to achieve your goals in a timely and cost-effective manner.

You will appreciate Merv’s style. Although he is a well-respected, senior member of the legal bar, he is approachable and kind-hearted. Merv puts clients immediately at ease with his easy-going mannerisms and caring attitude. He will offer you practical advice about how best to move your case forward to resolution.

Merv enjoys supporting his clients through their separations and divorces. He even enjoys Family Court.  But Merv’s weekends are spent at his cottage. He enjoys the serenity of life on the lake and only occasionally will check his emails.

Merv is happily married to the girl he met during his university days. They have two grown children who are moving toward independence but love Mom and Dad’s cottage too.

— Mervyn White

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